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Paiement sécurisé

thistle et minuet


17.95 €

thistle et minuet

Ref: thistle et minuet

Une voix de basson ou violoncelle est egalement fournie dans le set.
Le cd comprend toutes les pièces sous 2 versions, flute et piano, et uniquement l'accompagnement.

Pratique instrumentale (pièces 1ère position) : à partir de 4 ans.


Contenu :

Gigue (John Clerk of Penicuik)
Four Scots songs:
The blathrie o't
The yellow-hair'd laddie
Low down in the broom
Hey Jenny, come down to Jock
Five tunes celebrating new bridges:
The New Bridge of Edinburgh
The South Bridge of Edinburgh
The Bridge of Perth (Daniel Dow)
The New Bridge of Ballater (Robert Petrie)
The New Bridge of Rutherglen
Count Sax's March (William McGibbon)
March for the 22nd Regiment (General Reid)
Largo (Earl of Kelly)
Mrs. Ker's Minuet (Earl of Kelly)
Minuet in A, with variations (William McGibbon)
Sonata in G, "The Thistle" (James Oswald)

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